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Options volume (24h)

ZERO FEE Trading: use our native token to eliminate fees!

Use our native token (ticker: EVE) to purchase a 30-day or 360-day subscription and trade unlimited volume without fees.

Latest trade offers
Selling For Buying With Quantity Current premium Strike price Expiring in
{{x.from_symbol}} {{get_short_address(x.from)}} {{x.to_symbol}} {{x.quantity}} {{x.premium}} USD {{x.strike_price}} {{x.to_symbol}} per {{x.from_symbol}} {{x.expiring_in}}
{{x.from_symbol}} {{get_short_address(x.from)}} USD {{x.quantity}} {{x.premium}} USD {{x.strike_price}} {{x.to_symbol}} per {{x.from_symbol}} {{x.expiring_in}}
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Price data powered by ChainLink oracles

Trade with the advantages of aggregated price data thanks to ChainLink oracle integration (only for supported assets).

Getting started

Trade without slippage

Use the Smart Trade feature to trade at a fixed price, or leverage dynamic pricing for auto-adjusting orders.

Sell a token with vesting

Use the Smart Trade feature to sell a token with a customisable vesting schedule applying to the buyer.

Create a Call Option

Earn premium fees by creating Options where you have the obligation to sell your tokens at a predefined price.

Purchase a Call Option

Bet ‘long’ on tokens by buying Options that give you the right to purchase the token later at a predefined price.

Create a Put Option

Earn premium fees by creating Options where you have the obligation to buy tokens at a predefined price.

Purchase a Put Option

Bet ‘short’ on tokens by buying Options that give you the right to sell the token later at a predefined price.

Finance profitable trades

Deposit your USDC for other users to borrow when settling an Options trade and get a share of their profit.

Borrow to settle trades

Leverage a user-financed pool to settle your profitable Options trades and split your profits with the pool.

Earn APY staking EVE Token

Stake our native token to earn APY, if you stake enough the rewards could cover your trading subscription!