Stake EVE to earn APY!

All EVE is locked in our audited smart contract and not used for any purpose. Offset long term staking risk with an options contracts. Here

Getting started

20% APY*

Long-term lock 360 days.
20% APY, no early withdrawal


{{stake_contract_20_eve_balance}} EVE

10% APY*

Short-term lock 180 days.
10% APY, no early withdrawal


{{stake_contract_10_eve_balance}} EVE

7% APY

90 days lock.
7% APY, no early withdrawal


{{stake_contract_7_eve_balance}} EVE

5% APY

Open Staking.
5% APY


{{stake_contract_5_eve_balance}} EVE

* Stake 50,000 EVE or more and get a free EVE subscription.

Started Amount Interest gained Expiration
{{x.start_date}} EVE {{x.parsed_amount}} EVE {{x.parsed_gain}} {{x.expiry_date}} Ended
No stakes found